Europe SHARES its most beloved and authentic wines.
We proudly SHARE with you wines of the highest quality,
proven history and tradition. Presenting a great variety of
wines with unique flavors and traditional taste,
Europe SHARES its genuine, natural wines.
Marked with the PDO and PGI labels are only wines
with a certified origin and authentic heritage.

These signs of recognition help protect and promote wines with
particular characteristics linked to their geographical origin,
produced under strict safety standards in an environmentally friendly way.
The European values we proudly stand for are reflected in our
most precious wines – and we can’t wait to SHARE them with YOU!

The Bulgarian Winemaking and Export Association (BWEA)
is a non-profit organization aiming to promote
Bulgarian wines on international markets.
Since its establishment in 2012, we have been working
on boosting the export of high-quality wines and the
recognition of Bulgaria’s long-lasting winemaking traditions,
wine tourism and know-how.


The main activities of the Association include:

  • Promotion of wines of the members of BWEA
  • Contact with government and non-government organizations aiming long-term partnership
  • Preparation and distribution of market research and key tendencies for global wine production
  • Organization of conferences, workshops and seminars with promotional and informative purposes
  • Support for the increase of wine export through the creation and management of projects, financed by EU funds.

For the purpose of our project we developed a partnership with the Baltic Gastronomy Leaders (BGL). BGL is an alliance of Lithuanian food and other agricultural producers’ organizations, founded in 2018. Its main purpose is to support producers’ product exports and increase their quality awareness and added value in foreign markets. BGL is a federation of cereals, soft drinks, spirits, organic foods and other food industry sector associations.





Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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